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  • How we used Igloo to support culture and collaboration at Health Gorilla
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How we used Igloo to support culture and collaboration at Health Gorilla

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  • How we used Igloo to support culture and collaboration at Health Gorilla

A little about the client…

Founded in 2014, Health Gorilla is a secure interoperability solution that enables the entire healthcare ecosystem to share health data and aggregate each patient’s entire clinical history in one place. With enterprise-grade patient identity matching, an unparalleled patient index, and best-in-class security; the Health Gorilla network makes it easy for providers to pull their patient’s information from any other clinical records system. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Health Gorilla works with health care organisations around the world. Helping them gather the clinical data they need to deliver the best and most appropriate care for their patients.

Where they needed our help

The primary goal was to merge disparate repositories into a common knowledge repository. Making this accessible to the entire company, regardless of location. This was key to ensure business continuity and succession planning/training by storing knowledge and driving collaboration across functions. 

Expanding and creating a space to maintain company culture was also important. With a lot of new hires joining the organisation and working from home, a digital workplace was key for employee interaction. Health Gorilla wanted to prevent new hires from feeling disconnected. These spaces also needed to facilitate communication in a wider sense. So by allowing users to share information at both a company-wide and departmental level, this could be achieved.

So we got straight to work

We started by digging deeper into what Health Gorilla needed from Igloo. What were the problems, and how could we solve them?

Consulting key stakeholders and business leaders was crucial, and together, we came up with the Igloo solutions to solve Health Gorilla’s core business challenges: knowledge management, training and collaboration. 

A newsroom was built where important news updates can be shared across various channel topics. From this, ensuring all colleagues can stay up to date with day-to-day happenings within the company. 

Each team has their own Team Room Space, where they can communicate, collaborate, and share team specific news and updates. This enables colleagues to have easy access to the most business critical tools to perform their role at their best. 

We also built out an onboarding centre to enable new hires access to all of the information required to start their new role. From the company handbook and standard operating procedures to HR forms and initial training. We also included a timeline of goals that they should expect to meet along their onboarding journey. This helped to give structure to the process.

Once we had perfected the Health Gorilla igloo, we delivered training to the core team, empowering them to take their digital workplace and run with it!

The Health Gorilla igloo has been in place for a couple of months now (since Spring 2022) and so far, feedback has been very positive!

Thank you

Thank you to Health Gorilla’s team for all their help on this project and we look forward to working with them to continue to expand and grow their new Digital Workplace.

To learn more about Igloo or get in touch, visit our homepage.
